Starting at 9am on Sunday 17th August I will be attempting to write forty five stories in one day. That's three pieces of flash fiction an hour and approximately 13,500 words in fifteen hours- over twice the amount of words I wrote for the creative part of my dissertation!
This is all well and good, but dear reader I require your help. Like any writer I need inspiration, a muse, and I am picking you. I need titles for the stories, as bizarre and random as you desire (please, please make them random and bizarre!) Suggest as many as you'd like. I'm not sure how widespread this will become and I need to end up with at least forty five titles, so go crazy!
If being the inspiration for a creative type is not enough of an incentive to get involved (I can't see why it wouldn't be) then I should inform you I am also doing this for two charities: Teenage Cancer Trust and SANCCOB (The Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds or as I see them as, Penguin Protectors!) You can find the links to both donation pages below. Any small amount will be gratefully received.
I hope you are able to join me on the day as I go through the strenuous and gruelling task of sitting down for a long period of time and typing away on my keyboard.
I'll post all updates and links to stories on my twitter @AndyJCash. Follow for updates on the day!