Sunday, 20 July 2014

Starting at 9am on Sunday 17th August I will be attempting to write forty five stories in one day. That's three pieces of flash fiction an hour and approximately 13,500 words in fifteen hours- over twice the amount of words I wrote for the creative part of my dissertation!

This is all well and good, but dear reader I require your help. Like any writer I need inspiration, a muse, and I am picking you. I need titles for the stories, as bizarre and random as you desire (please, please make them random and bizarre!) Suggest as many as you'd like. I'm not sure how widespread this will become and I need to end up with at least forty five titles, so go crazy!

If being the inspiration for a creative type is not enough of an incentive to get involved (I can't see why it wouldn't be) then I should inform you I am also doing this for two charities: Teenage Cancer Trust and SANCCOB (The Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds or as I see them as, Penguin Protectors!) You can find the links to both donation pages below. Any small amount will be gratefully received.

I hope you are able to join me on the day as I go through the strenuous and gruelling task of sitting down for a long period of time and typing away on my keyboard.

I'll post all updates and links to stories on my twitter @AndyJCash. Follow for updates on the day!


  1. Too much fun not to join in, so, titles!:

    Death's Favourite T-shirt
    The Left Shoelace
    A Rose made of Paper and Plastic
    14 Across, 9 Down
    Socks on a Singer Sewing Machine

    Good luck!

  2. Hi Andy, here's some title suggestions
    'The Last Slice'
    'Broken Polka Dots'
    'The Hour Glass Boutique'

    I'll make sure to make a donation!

  3. This is such an incredible idea, and so fu. I want to read the finished pieces!!
    My contributions...

    Purple Wasn't A Good Idea
    The Trouble With Trolls
    Feathers on the Floor

    Good luck, and have fun :)
    Love Millie xxx

  4. Tom Who Had Good Table Manners
    Reasons for Talking
    The OCD Tree
    Swearing: A Nun`s Tale

  5. This is my second attempt at posting, I'll try and remember the titles!

    Dock Leaf, part II
    The Abandoned Croissant
    After the Disco
    Mostly We Cycle to Evening Class
    (they save penguins)
    Same New
    Wonders of the Third World

    What I also said was how great an idea this is! I can't wait to see the results. Will you be posting the stories live as you write them, a la Tim Clare's 100-poems-in-a-day, or after the event? (I hope the former!).

    Good luck.

    Ben x

    The kindness of woodlice
    That cat that could only talk to dogs
    Eggs Benedict between the sheets
    A Day in the Life of Ivan (Denise's Bitch)
    Gorgonzola Nights

  7. Squinting for money
    One day broken
    Jane and jam
    Walls without stones
    The amen and the hallelujah

    Have fun!

  8. Huge respect... I wrote 24 in 24 hours for Comic Relief and my brain was like jelly for 48 hours afterwards; hope that you survive the experience and enjoy it!

    Here are some titles...

    The day Father Christmas Resigned
    Six Hours in October
    The Harder They Fall
    The Elephant Said No
    The Final Guilty Verdict
    No Heroes Today, Please

    Have fun!

  9. The Day People Cared
    Maelstrom on The Planet of Glass
    The Acorn Problem.
    Contemplation Problems
    Riding the Dart
    The Perilous Tale of Cynthia Addlesbee
    The Crux of Noodle Pie
    Zealots with Lighters

    Hope these help.
    Good luck and happy writing!

  10. The exiled Gardner.
    Every Mango
    How to make Jollof rice.
    Fire Water

  11. Blue-Black Water and the Cracks in the Ice
    As You Reach, I Fall Through
    Running Faster than All the Fears Combined


  12. Three Coins on the Moon
    Field of Unicorns
    ter Gordon and the Mirror of Darkness
    Planet of the Unicorns: Damnation
    The Mirror Pirates and the Field of Nightmares

    Is this enough?

  13. Recalculating...
    Little Green Wounded Warrior
    The Lightening Will Not Stay Forgotten
    We Shall Not Speak of the Laundry
    Touchdown Buddha

  14. The Adventress of Barnaby Road
    The Masticating Habits of the North Staffordshire Gnomid
    Dark Rapture
    A Chalice Filled with Midnight

  15. Pirates take my baby brother to the orphanage

    Death visits mother one last time

    My geeky toys go on a geeky adventure
    I had nothing left but a winter's dream

    Life is a cruel Joke for the undead kind

  16. Wearing a Skort to the Undead Ball
    Dueling Squirrel Cults
    Cherry Blossoms For Elite Gamers
    It Was Because of the Snail, Not the Fridge
    The Right Hand Soap, The Wrong Hands
    Birds of a Feta Blur

  17. Estimated Time of Arrival

  18. Good luck--can't wait to follow along on Twitter!

    Wyverns on Wednesday
    Toothpaste and Orange Juice
    Athena's Husband
    Joy's Curse
    Either the Zombie or the Vampire
    Maybe the Lightning Rod
    What Do Unicorns Poop?
    Hand Cream, Tape, and a Wallet
    But For The Want of a Human Hair
    The Hole in the Bottom of the Sea
    Letters from the Litterbox
    Walking to Infinity
    Tea and Toads
    Mister Harper's Secret
    Slimy Dishes and Gritty Floors
    Should Have Just Signed Off

  19. Thought of a few more…

    The Amino Acid Editor
    Knee Deep in Tadpoles
    Soup is for Slurping
    Reptilians Ate My Homework
    Yoga Pants and Stilettos
    Don't Blink and Jive
    If Memory Serves
    Gratuity Not Included
    Discount Happiness
    Please Ignore the Sharks
    No, I Do Not Want a Handbag
    Fish and Microchips
    Quit While You Have a Head

  20. Why grouting a kite is a bad idea.
    The perils of preserving porcupines.
    The small man and the dried biscuit.
    A sunny day on the moon.
    The universal cereal.

  21. Well as the are 45

    The Colt Collection?

  22. The leopard slug next to the bookcase.

    Why did the gnome eat my bananas?

    Good causes, good luck!


  23. One anonymous day outside
    The misgivings of Jeremy Plum
    The day I bought a penguin
    Twelfth time's a charm
    The final door
    If my dog could speak
    Snail stepping
    Grabbing the thorns
    My favourite chair
    72 hours in a box
    Adding a teaspoon of excellence

  24. The pea without a shell
    Road-hogging budgerigars
    The woman without a left eyebrow
    Watching Sandpaper
    Much ado about EVERYTHING!!!
    A month with hair
    If sharks could fly
    Ode to a green grape
    Ode to a purple grape
    Life of a ragdoll

    Thats my 5 min creative burst for the day :) Good luck with your challenge!

  25. Friends without benefits
    Double O
    That's what she said

  26. Ian: The Musical
    Where did we leave the Sheriff's pelican?
    Travelling Again
    Literary Balls
    Robert Frost is the incorrect answer
    Evening in Huddersfield
    Over there, no, over there, look! Can't you see where I'm pointing?

  27. Writing for Wellbeing

    Good luck Andy! =]

  28. My life as a golf ball
    10 ways to make personal stereos 'personal'
    10 things to do between football seasons
    What is the point of flying ants?
    I unwrapped a real penguin and found ......
    500 jobs in jeopardy .... where is jeopardy ?

  29. Budweiser - The King of Beers
    It's all about me
    Secret safe or Safe secret?
    The drive to nowhere
    Arrival of the Death Star

  30. I know you already started but just in case:

    From limbo with love.
    Running out of ammo in heaven.
    Things are the way they are.
    Shooting stars and broken dreams.
    The art of not finishing your
    Labouring the point is the best way to stand out.
    The perks of being a heroin addict.

  31. The Master Blaster Pastor
    The Slightly Shorter Way to Tipperary
    "Mr. Ringtoss"
    Escape of the Mustache Eaters
    Commissioned to Sculpt a Donkey
    The Call of the Wheeled
